Emotional intelligence

Micro Learning – Interactive Seminars

Blended Learning Group will be looking to launch a series of interactive seminars as part of our public offering. These seminars will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and attitude to maximise their performance, whilst providing an opportunity for participants to network with people across multiple organisations. If you would like to register for one …

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The Need to Build Emotionally Intelligent Teams

Modern businesses thrive when using teams to organise the work. Teams have more talent and experience, more diversity of resources, and greater operating flexibility than individual performers. Research in the last decade has proven the superiority of group decision-making over that of even the brightest individual in the group. But the exception to this rule …

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Culture’s Role in Enabling Organisational Change

For all the money and effort that go into corporate change initiatives, they have a decidedly mixed success rate. Among the biggest obstacles to successful change are “change fatigue” (which occurs when workers are asked to follow through on too many changes at once) and a lack of the capabilities needed to make major changes …

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The Human Side of Change Management

Way back when, senior executives in large companies had a simple goal for themselves and their organisations: stability. Shareholders wanted little more than predictable earnings growth. Because so many markets were either closed or undeveloped, leaders could deliver on those expectations through annual exercises that offered only modest modifications to the strategic plan. Prices stayed …

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The Need For Emotionally Intelligent Project Managers

Individuals who are responsible for leading client and internal projects need to have the ability to create a positive impact on the client and stakeholder experience and ensure that projects deliver upon business objectives, whilst enhancing the client and stakeholder relationship. It is critical that Project Managers lead and manage successful change initiatives, which includes …

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Why emotionally intelligent workforces are more adaptable to change.

When organisations embark on large-scale change, they often underestimate the hidden costs and human factors. A 70% failure rate is commonly cited for change initiatives designed to improve business performance. Leadership and people issues are the most common reasons why full potential is not realised. This is not surprising, when you consider that most people …

Why emotionally intelligent workforces are more adaptable to change. Read More »