Emotional Intelligence

Achieve Your Desired Outcome By Building Relationships

Lead People

Are you the leader whose people willingly have your way?Today’s leaders need, not just competencies, but to APPLY these competencies to: teams, customers and everyone they encounter.

Blended Learning makes this happen through:

  • Leadership inventory tools & surveys
  • Specialised classroom sessions
  • Coaching high performance
  • Residential intensives
  • Ongoing competence extension simulations
  • Digital learning modules

Inspire Change

Change is situational; new technology, organisational restructures, and evolving competitive forces. It’s the transition – how we adapt to change – that effects our emotional state, and that determines how we perform.By providing organisations with the emotional intelligence to adapt to the changing nature of the workplace, you’ll get an environment where change is embraced and the behaviours of success become habitual.

We build the emotional intelligence of your workforce to allow them to readily adapt to change to be much more productive more quickly. The Blended Learning Approach sustains these benefits of success.


Grow Results

Winning, retaining and growing more of the right customers and delivering profitable growth is a challenge for all sales organisations. Sales people are challenged by risk adverse buyers, multiple decision makers with competing priorities, and procurement teams seeking to drive costs down.Sales growth is a process, it can be measured and managed to maximise outcomes. Emotionally Intelligent workforces demostrate the behaviours of sales success throughout the organisation.

To really take your results to the next level, your staff will learn Emotionally Intelligent Selling:

  • to take control of the customer conversation
  • to build a close relationship between the buyer and seller
  • to deliver great insight and opportunity to your customers.

Blended Learning Group

What is Blended Learning?

Blended Learning is where facilitated learning, digital learning and coaching intersect to create sustainable behavioural change, aligned to your vision, purpose, values and performance requirements.

What You Get

Is More Than What You See

The Blended Method doesn’t just improve results. You’ll improve lives. We all love
working with people whose interpersonal skill bring out the very best in us. When you
bring on the Blended Learning Group you’ll also give your people:


When their sales and performance shoot through the roof


When they can work smarter not harder


When they finally see the results they never thought possible


With the emotional intelligence to treat the most important people in their lives better


When they stick it to the person who never believed in them


With better relationships throughout their life

Blended Learning Group

Get Imotionally Intelligent Now!